Transition Station
At Burn to Basics, there will be no separation for streams at the transition station. However, it is recommended to separate at your camp and take home what you can. Be prepared in advance and understand how to transport waste back (which vehicle to save space in, and where to dispose of it).
We recommend separating into six streams:
Batteries and Electronics: This waste is very harmful when buried and poisons the soil with toxic metals and compounds. Typically, not much waste of this type is collected, and we strongly urge you to take it home and not throw it in the landfill bin.
Deposit Bottles (Easy to transport).
Paper and Cardboard (Easy to transport).
Organic: Preferably use a container up to 20 liters due to the weight. It is very difficult to transport organic waste, and anyone intending to do so must use hermetically sealed containers and consider the weight.
Packaging (including cans and plastic packaging) and Plastic Bags (Easy to transport).
Landfill: Anything that does not fit into the other streams can be disposed of at the transition station.
Do not leave bulky waste (furniture, installations, and decorations) at the transition station! Only items that fit in bags can be disposed of at the station.
Prepare in advance to transport bulky waste back home.
MOOP - Matter Out Of Place
Avoid glitter (small plastic pieces that remain in the environment for hundreds of years).
Avoid costumes with feathers, sequins, or fringes that can fall off.
Do not use MOOP materials for installations and decorations. Installations made from MOOP will not remain on site.
Keep the toilets clean.
As in any other place, do not leave items in the showers.
Carry a personal ashtray and personal cup.
Do not leave MOOP (including cigarette butts and empty or half-empty drink bottles) anywhere, especially not in the sound areas.
See MOOP wandering aimlessly? Pick it up from the ground, gently pat it, and bring it safely to the nearest trash bin (the nearest camp will likely be happy to assist).
