Who am I?
I’m just your friendly neighborhood bear, here to take you on this year's journey that will end in the dust - Midburn 2022.
This year’s theme - transformation - takes us to places of change, radical change, from wait to act, from bystanders to participants, from a teddy bear to The Bear.
So I am stepping out of hibernation, the cocoon of everyday life, and becoming the magical unicorn butterfly bear I really am. And I am here to make sure you know everything you need to know to make your way to the gate so you can transform to your true form.
Now is the time to get things going: sign up to participate, find your camp, get a crew for your art. Here is what you need to know...

First thing's first - if you're new here, or just want a reminder of what Midburn is all about. The countdown is on, the date is set 10/10, the theme is lit and the bear is getting giddy.

I love the first walk out on the playa, strutting my stuff and taking the first look at our magical city that is somehow greater than the sum of all its parts. But first we need the parts! This means participation!
Whether you are thinking of joining one of the production departments, making sure to bring a one of a kind gift with your camp, or creating amazing art, Midburn doesn’t happen without all of us creating it.
If you want to read more about why we all take part in this creation and about your participation options look here: https://en.midburn.org/participation

Art & Theam Camps REGISTRATION
Before we head to the city in the desert and let it sweep us off our feet, even before we can pick our outfits, there are some things we need to do.
If you are setting up a camp, this is how to register.
If you want to bring art (installation, performance, art cars) this is how you sign up
This what you need to know about bringing an Artcar
This year, for the first time, the Art Department is officially inviting artists from around the world to participate. The Department is committed to assisting artists from outside Israel as much as possible. Starting with assistance in finding accommodations with our community members, recruiting volunteers to the international crews as needed, assistance in the transport of the art to the event, form filling, connecting to local theme camps, and any assistance we can provide.
Attached is a call for participation that invites you to register the art you are dreaming to bring to Midburn. Additionally, a form requesting a grant is also attached: All forms should be submitted by June 30, 2022.
E mail us if you have any questions: content@midburn.org
See you in the dust!
I don't know about you but I'm getting excited just looking at all these links, so many opportunities!

And this is the ticketing plan part1 : Pricing & Budget
Once I have more on this (sale dates etc.) I will let you know.
Please Contact we will love to support and help
You want to learn more and can’t wait for the next time I step out of my cave into your inbox?
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