At the event, a temporary city is built consisting of tent complexes (free camps) and theme camps, which include sheds, tents, mattresses, facilities, etc.
Fire is used for cooking and warmth within the various camps . The combination of open fire in the environment of materials within the city pose a fire risk.
Improper use of fire may ignite these materials and damage property and risk lives.
Conditions for using fire in camps and tent complexes:
Do not light a fire in any camp if all the conditions specified in this procedure have not been met.
As a general rule, the use of fire in the camp area is only allowed for the purpose of preparing food and bonfires.
Do not light a fire in the camp, except in the designated area (kitchen), and in accordance with the instructions within this procedure.
Make sure that there are no objects near the fire that could fly into the fire such as fabrics, pages, etc.
Before lighting a fire, pay attention to the wind's direction and strength. Do not light a fire in the camp if there is a strong wind blowing that could scatter embers.
Lighting a fire in the camp area will only be allowed when the safety range from tents, grills, gas systems and electrical system can be maintained at all times:
Gas systems - 7 m
Electrical systems - 7 m
Tent poles, etc. - 7 m
Under no circumstances should you light a fire under roofing, covered surfaces or tarps
Do not light a fire on roads and passages in a way that poses a risk to passers-by. Make sure passers-by can pass around the fire at a safe distance.
Do not light fires on surfaces such as carpets, mats, wooden pallets, etc.
Fire must only be made in containers, and only in places where the fire can be contained/isolated, such as: barbecues, half-barrels or any container made of other non-flammable materials.
The fire container must be placed on a stable surface. Do not light a fire in the container if there is any risk of the container tilting or tipping over.
The height of the flames must not exceed 1 meter.
The bonfire will be lit and supervised by an adult, who has reached the age of 18, who will stay in the direct vicinity during the entire duration of the fire.
Liquid combustibles should not be used to light the fire.
Fire extinguishing means must be kept in a clearly marked place in each camp, their location known to all camp participants, and must include at least 2 fire extinguishers (6 kg, dry powder). One extinguisher will be placed in the kitchen area and the other at the entrance to the camp. The fire extinguishers must have a valid license.
At the end of the bonfire activity, make sure to extinguish the coals with water.
Do not leave barbecues or other metal parts unattended when they are hot.
Fire risk analysis
Fire in the tent complexes
The scenario: A fire in one of the tent complexes with a risk of spreading to neighboring tent complexes.
Risk Factors:
The city consists of many materials (plastic fabrics for tents and tents, mattresses, costumes, wooden furniture, fixtures, decor etc.) in a relatively small area.
Use of open flames for cooking and heating.
Multiple temporary electrical infrastructures set up in the area.
Hot and dry weather (the event takes place in the desert)
Strong winds in the area (depending on the time and weather)
Safety Precautions:
Briefing on fire safety for each camp's safety officers.
Instructions provided on how to set up the tent complexes to reduce the risk of fire spreading between the tents and ensuring escape routes.
Instructions provided on how to set up and operate the kitchens in the tent complexes to reduce the risk of fire.
Definition of required fire extinguishing measures and their location.
Instructions provided for general open fire conduct at the event.
A tour between the camps to verify compliance with the above instructions.
Relevant procedures:
Guidelines for setting up the kitchen, location of gas containers and fire sources are defined in the procedure for using cooking gas systems
Guidelines for the arrangement of the tents and ensuring escape routes are defined in the structure procedure of the theme camps / free camp complexes
